
Learning Technologies 2024: back to the 3 conferences hosted by ETS Global

Summaries of the 3 conferences given by our experts and 3 guest speakers.

The TOEIC, TOEFL and Pipplet teams had the pleasure of taking part in the 2024 edition of the Learning Technologies trade show and exchanging views with numerous clients and training experts. As a leading provider of language assessment solutions, ETS Global took the floor on 3 hot topics:

  1. CPF and Qualiopi certification: news and feedback
  2. Artificial intelligence: what benefits for training?
  3. Digital transformation in education: what impact on language assessment?

Here is a summary of these conferences, which were a great success at the show. Stay tuned for the replay soon!

CPF and Qualiopi certification: news and feedback

Laurence CARLINET, General Secretary of ETS Global

Marc VERGER, Director of Pedagogy, Quality and Innovation, MediaSchool Group

Thierry DERONDEL, Director, Archipel Formation training organization

Within the framework of the CPF, the year 2023 marks the reinforcement of significant measures to control training organizations. These include, for example, the creation of a new registration procedure on the EDOF platform, secure identification via France Connect+ and recommendations to prevent fraud. RS and RNCP certifiers are under increasing pressure from Caisse des Dépôts, and play a crucial role in controlling the quality of training organization networks.

As far as Qualiopi is concerned, the training sector has undergone major legislative changes in 2023, notably with the national quality referential and the decree on certifiers and controls for skills operators. Although Indicator 23 requires constant monitoring, training providers are finding it difficult to keep pace with the changes imposed on their organization. The decree confirms that National Quality Certification does not exempt training organizations from controls by DREETS or skills operators. Despite several guides and decrees, including subjects such as subcontracting and Erasmus for apprenticeships, the rules continue to tighten, presenting a challenge for professionals in the sector.

Thierry DERONDEL shared his experience of the day-to-day life of a company manager. He highlighted the benefits of the regulations, which have helped to restore order and weed out unscrupulous or dishonest organizations. However, they have also led to an excessive workload for training organizations, who are constantly having to justify themselves.

Artificial intelligence: what benefits for training?

Alexandre STOPNICKI is the founder of the digital agency and training organization 3h33. He specializes in pedagogical engineering and digital transformation through artificial intelligence. For ETS Global, he talks about the growing use of artificial intelligence in training and the many benefits it brings.

Alexandre STOPNICKI presents artificial intelligence as a revolutionary technology that is transforming learning in a way that is egalitarian and accessible to everyone worldwide. He predicts that AI will gradually dominate all software and that adaptive learning, bot learning and other forms of automated learning will become the norm. He also mentions practical uses for AI such as proofreading assistance. As such, he cites the example of a thesis defense where AI was used for correction and discussion with students. The personalization of training courses is also highlighted, with the possibility of creating engaging content in a matter of seconds thanks to AI.

Concrete examples of AI use are shared, such as transforming images to enrich them, transcribing videos in real time and creating automatic summaries. He also discusses the integration of AI into telephones, offering real-time translation capabilities, and highlighting the potential impact on language learning.

Alexandre Stopnicki concluded the conference by stressing the need for in-depth ethical reflection in the development and use of this technology.

Digital transformation in education: what impact on language assessment?

Celestina CARDOZ MAURY is ELT (English Language Teacher) Senior Coordinator at ETS Global. She presented significant technological developments in the TOEIC and TOEFL tests.

Developments include a shorter, adaptive version of TOEIC® Listening and Reading, offering a more user-friendly experience. For TOEFL iBT®, ergonomic improvements, a reduction in test duration, and the MyBest® scores feature have been introduced, improving the test's accessibility and speed. The use of artificial intelligence, such as e-rater® for written assessment, and SpeechRater® for oral expression, complements human assessment, ensuring reliable and accurate scoring. These developments underline our commitment to modern, efficient language assessment in today's educational landscape.

Celestina Cardoz Maury emphasizes the use of artificial intelligence and automated assessment in the grading process, ensuring seamless integration with human expertise for language assessments. These advances contribute to a faster, more accessible and comprehensive evaluation process, demonstrating the positive impact of technology on language evaluation.