
Monetarisation of the CPF : the sector is changing!

Discover all the new features related to the Personal Training Account (CPF).

The law "for the freedom to choose one's professional future" was published on the 5th of September 2018. For the world of professional training and apprenticeship, it is a systemic reform whose key element consists in the implementation of the monetarisation of the CPF (personal training account), effective on the 1st of January 2019.

Converting the existing hours

Following studies carried out by the Ministry of Labour on the cost of one hour of CPF and many discussions in the fall on the conversion rate of €14.28, a draft decree finally sets the amount allowing the conversion into euros of hours acquired under the CPF and the DIF on 31 December 2018 at €15.

  • If you have been a full-time employee since January 1st, 2015 and have not used your CPF hours, you will have accumulated 72 hours on January 1st, 2019 in your account.
  • If, like many people, you still have DIF hours, (individual training entitlement) 120 hours for example, your counter will display: 72 CPF + 120 DIF = 192 hours.
  • IMPORTANT: for the DIF, however, beneficiaries will have to take into account the fact that the rights acquired for the DIF (120 hours * 15, i. e. €1,800) can only be used until 31 December 2020. If they are not mobilized BEFORE DECEMBER 31st, 2020, the rights related to the DIF will be lost!

As of January 1st, 2019, this represents a formation capital of: 192 hours * 15€ or 2880€.

In the first half of 2019, the 24 hours of CPF will be added for 2018 * by 15 euros: 2880€ + 360€ = 3240€.

In the first quarter of 2020, the statutory provisioning of accounts will take over. Beneficiaries will, therefore, have their accounts credited with 500 euros (800 euros for certain groups). It should be noted that this supply ceiling does not prevent contributions.

Which employee in the old world could be CERTAIN to have such an envelope in such a simple and fast way to follow a path certifying and developing his employability? With this reform, disintermediation is carried out by forced march and we have definitely entered a new era.