
Preparing for the TOEFL iBT® Test: Self-Study vs. Collaborative Learning 

TOEFL iBT®, The premier test of academic English communication  

The TOEFL iBT test is a widely recognized standardized test designed to assess English language proficiency of non-native speakers. It serves as a crucial tool for evaluating an individual's ability to understand, communicate, and use English in academic settings. Administered by Educational Testing Service (ETS), the TOEFL iBT ® test has gained prominence as a key requirement for admission into English-speaking universities as well as submission for migration and visa purposes. The TOEFL iBT ® test is accepted in more than 13,000 institutions around the world. Most institutions set their own minimum score based on local requirements and specific program needs. Preparation plays a key role in helping test-takers achieve a desired score. 

But what preparation approach is the most effective? 

The two approaches to preparation: Self-Study and Collaborative Learning 

As aspiring test-takers embark on the journey to conquer the TOEFL iBT test, they are faced with a pivotal decision: how to best prepare for this significant milestone in their academic and professional pursuits. Two important approaches emerge as  possible cornerstones of effective TOEFL iBT ® test preparation: Self-Study and Collaborative Learning. Each offers distinct advantages and unique pathways toward mastering the complexities of the English language and excelling in the test. 

1. Self-Study: A Personalized Path to Proficiency 

What do we mean by the "self-study" approach?  

In general, self-study is a method of preparation that empowers individuals to take charge of their learning experience. It revolves around autonomous engagement with study materials, resources, and practice tests, all tailored to the individual's learning preferences, pace, and preferences. This approach encourages the autonomy of the learner, enabling them to craft a study routine that aligns with their strengths and areas for improvement. There are several benefits that self-study brings, below are some of the most common ones:  

  • Enhancing Flexibility: Self-study allows test-takers to create a customized schedule that fits their daily routines and commitments. 
  • Selecting Resources: Individuals have the freedom to select from a variety of official TOEFL iBT preparation resources and third-party materials available at the official ETS website
  • Independence: Self-study cultivates self-discipline and time management skills, valuable assets in any academic or professional life. 
  • Adaptive Learning: Learners can adjust their strategies based on progress, focusing on areas that require more attention. 
  • Building Confidence: Test-takers get a sense of self-reliance and confidence that they can learn and achieve a high score autonomously without external assistance. This can improve a test-taker's motivation and become a source of encouragement. 

While self-study for the TOEFL iBT ® test offers numerous benefits, it is important to acknowledge that there are also potential drawbacks associated with this method of preparation.  

What could be the negative sides to this approach?  

Drawbacks may include: 

  • Lack of guidance: Self-study may lead to a lack of structured guidance and expert direction, which could result in misconceptions, incomplete understanding of concepts, or ineffective study strategies. 
  • Limited feedback: Self-study may limit opportunities for immediate feedback on language usage, pronunciation, and writing style, which are crucial aspects of the TOEFL iBT test. 
  • Possible isolation: Studying alone can sometimes lead to feelings of isolation and loneliness, which might negatively impact motivation and overall study experience. 
  • Motivation challenges: Staying motivated over an extended period of self-study can be demanding, and some individuals may struggle to maintain consistent enthusiasm. 

To mitigate these drawbacks, individuals pursuing self-study for the TOEFL iBT test can seek high-quality preparation resources, set clear goals, establish a disciplined study routine, seek feedback from peers or language experts, and constantly assess their own progress. Balancing self-study with opportunities for external guidance and feedback, such as through practice tests, online forums, or language exchange partnerships, can help overcome these challenges and create a more well-rounded preparation experience. 

In addition, ETS offers a variety of useful materials that an individual can access on the official website to ensure a better preparation. In 2024, ETS has launched the TOEFL® TestReady Platform. TOEFL® TestReady brings together top TOEFL iBT® preparation resources with unique features and in-depth insights to help improve test-takers' English communication skills. All feedback, recommendations, personalized insights, and tips are crafted by the same experts who design and create the TOEFL iBT test. 

TOEFL iBT ® prep includes: 


2. Collaborative Learning: Power of Collective Effort for Better Preparation 

What does collaborative learning bring and why should test-takers opt for it? 

Collaborative learning embraces the power of collective growth and shared knowledge. This method involves group study sessions, discussions, and interactions with fellow test-takers, creating an environment of mutual support and collective effort.  According to Columbia University’s Center for Teaching and Learning, collaborative learning activities “…can help foster community and counter potential feelings of disconnection or isolation, while at the same time, they help test-takers encourage shared ownership and responsibility for their learning” (Collaborative Learning). Collaborative learning leverages the diversity of perspectives within a group, fostering dynamic exchanges that enhance comprehension and retention. There are several highlights that arise from this type of preparation, most known include: 

  • Accountability: Group dynamics foster a sense of accountability, reducing procrastination and ensuring consistent effort while meeting the deadlines and catching up with their leading peers. 
  • Language practice: Engaging in discussions and explanations helps participants refine their language skills in a real-world context. 
  • Group motivation: If any group member starts to lose motivation others can offer support and help engage this test-taker to continue preparing for the TOEFL iBT ® test further. 
  • Peer feedback: Studying together with peers allows to give and receive precious feedback that will be useful in further improvement and preparation. 

Nevertheless, collaborative learning also has several negative sides, including: 

  • Limited Individual Focus: Collaborative learning may place less emphasis on individualized learning needs, making it harder for participants to address their specific weaknesses or focus areas. 
  • Unequal Contribution: Some group members may contribute more actively than others, potentially leading to an imbalance in the distribution of effort and knowledge sharing. 
  • Dependency on Group Dynamics: The success of collaborative learning heavily depends on the dynamics within the group. If certain members are less committed or engaged, it can negatively impact the overall progress and motivation of the group. 

What additional resources can ETS offer to help groups prepare for the TOEFL iBT test? 

Plenty of TOEFL iBT prep are available for test-takers to choose from: 

  • The Official Guide to the TOEFL iBT® Test – a comprehensive guide that helps prepare for the test and best score. 
  • TOEFL® TestReady Platform – integrates leading TOEFL iBT prep resources with exclusive features and expert insights, all developed by the same team that creates the TOEFL iBT test, to enhance test-takers' English communication skills.  
  • TOEFL iBT Tutors – a Preply platform with a list of online tutors who have received an official Teaching TOEFL iBT Skills certificate.  

In conclusion, the TOEFL iBT test is more than just an assessment of English language proficiency; it is a gateway to educational and professional opportunities on a global scale. As the world continues to become increasingly interconnected, the ability to communicate effectively in English becomes an essential skill. The TOEFL iBT test plays a pivotal role in ensuring that individuals possess the linguistic capabilities needed to excel in their academic and professional pursuits. By embracing either self-study or collaborative learning – or even a blend of both – test-takers can embark on a transformative journey toward TOEFL iBT test success, armed with the preparation resources and methods that resonate most with their individual learning preferences and goals.