
Free English Camp for Underprivileged Students

ETS’s TOEFL and TOEIC Programmes Offer Free English Camp for Underprivileged Students in Korea.

With support from the Partners for the Future Foundation under the umbrella of the American Chamber of Commerce in Korea (AMCHAM Korea), ETS offered a free-of-charge English camp for underprivileged students Jan. 10–16 at the Seoul English Village Suyu Camp. Sponsored by the TOEFL® and TOEIC® programmes, ETS has expanded its third camp to include more students from different regions in Korea.

Thanks to the help and support from 16 district offices of the Seoul City Government, ETS was able to host 35 elementary school students with high interest in studying English and no means to pay for study programmes. Throughout the week-long camp, students received the opportunity to improve their English-language skills through fun interactive activities.

The opening ceremony was held at the Seoul English Village Suyu Camp on Jan. 10. Past ETS scholarship winners participated as mentors for the camp attendees. “I always wanted to give back to the society, just like I received various opportunities through the ETS Scholarship and Giving programme,” said Jayoung Park, a student at Dongduk Women’s University and one of the seven student mentors who attended the event. “I am very pleased to be a part of the programme and help young students with their English studies.”

Helping support underprivileged elementary school students in Korea is an honor for ETS. We know how important exposing these young students to English will be in preparing them for future success.

David Payne, Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of Global Education at ETS