
Criterion Online Writing Evaluation helps students plan, write and revise their essays.

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İlkokul & Ortaokul
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İlkokul & Ortaokul
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The Criterion® Online Writing Evaluation service is a web-based, instructor-led writing tool that helps students plan, write and revise their essays. It gives students immediate diagnostic feedback and opportunities to practice writing at their own pace. This service offers instructors and administrators at schools, universities and learning institutions a comprehensive writing solution to help improve student results by freeing up valuable classroom time for practicing higher level writing skills and working on areas of improvement.


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Allows instructors to focus on the content of their students and teach higher-level writing skills
icon round check
More than 400 topics at various skill levels for instructors to choose from.
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Available topics from primary through upper division college

Key figures


topics at various skill levels included in the Criterion library for instructors to choose from


access from where there is an internet connection

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Learn More About this Teaching Tool

Thanks  to Criterion in-depth reports that complement their student management  systems, instructors can easily monitor writing performance. Criterion can  help instructors benchmark students’ writing, track progress, make language  level placement decisions, and tailor their lessons. Administrators can use  the Criterion service to measure student progress and determine necessary  programme improvements. The patented e-rater® scoring engine, developed by ETS, provides both  annotated diagnostic feedback and holistic scoring using level-specific  models based on essays pre-scored by ETS-trained readers. Students can use  these evaluations to revision as they re-write their essay submissions.


What is the new procedure?

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Get your score online or by mail the day after your session*.
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*Paid option (see conditions of purchase at the time of registration). Receipt of scores free of charge between 10 and 15 working days after the date of the session.
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How the Criterion Service Works?

Students  can use these evaluations for revision as they re-write and resubmit their  essays for evaluation. The computer-generated holistic score is aligned to  each grade/level based on models built from essays previously scored by human  readers. The holistic score reflects the overall quality of the writing. It  is a single numerical score given to the essay. Scores range from 1 to 6 or 1 to 4.

As an instructor/teacher, how can Criterion help you improve your teaching?

Criterion®  helps you benchmark writing, track progress, make language level placement  decisions and guide instruction.

To help improve classroom efficiency, this tool provides instructors with  online, real-time access to instructor-specific writing assignments. The  variety of topics readily available helps instructors save time grading  papers allowing them to fully concentrate on the content and style of their  students’ work. Criterion has customisable reports, which allow instructors  to review student progress and highlight areas of improvement.

The Criterion Online Writing Evaluation Service also provides students with  unlimited opportunities to practice and improve their writing, which can help  them achieve higher test scores. Criterion offers instant feedback and scores  so students can improve their skills with confidence.

What is the content of this online writing tool?

Instructors  have more than 400 topics at various skill levels in the Criterion library to  choose from.

  • Creation of customised topics by the teacher
  • Diagnosis in grammar, spelling, language functioning, use, style,  organisation and development
  • Opportunities for interactions between teacher and student
  • Adapted to programmes at all levels
  • Online training and individual customer support

They testify

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"Yurt dışında iş arıyorum ve TOEIC test puanıyla özgeçmişimi güçlendirmek istiyorum"
Anonim, İş arayan, Fransa
(Cochabamba, Bolivia)
"Yüksek lisans başvuru sürecim sırasında TOEFL iBT testine girdim, bana katkısı çok önemliydi. Aldığım yüksek puan sayesinde de burs kazandım."
Pamela, Wageningen Üniversitesi
İş yerinde terfi alabilmek için TOEIC testine girmem gerekiyordu. Çevrimiçi resmi hazırlık araçlarıyla çalıştım.
Anonim, 40 yaşında, Çalışan, Fransa
Çevrimiçi TOEIC testi, daha önce karşılaştığımız zorlukları aşmamıza yardımcı oldu. Bu test değişen dünyamızın yeniliklerine göre hazırlanmış
Jérôme, Bölüm Başkanı, (ESEO Mühendislik Okulu, Fransa)
“In order to validate my diploma, I had to have a score above 800. The school therefore gave us access to a platform in order to train”
Mélanie, 24 years old, Student