
The TOEIC Test required in engineering school

Discover the 3 main reasons to take a TOEIC test to validate your engineering degree in France.

In France, many schools and universities - especially engineering schools - require their students to take a TOEIC® test to augment their diplomas. With the internationalization of the work environment, language learning has become an important requirement for these schools wishing to promote their student’s employability. Indeed, in France, more and more companies now require a minimum TOEIC® score in their recruitment and promotion processes. What are the main drivers for this trend?

The necessity of English proficiency in the workplace

Nowadays, English is the third most spoken language in the world (after Spanish and Mandarin) and the most used language on Internet. Thus, English has been considered for several years as lingua franca: the language used in the absence of a common language. As of 2018, English is the official language in 75 countries and is spoken by approximately 750 million non-English speaking natives. English can, therefore, be considered as a standard in the professional world.

In France, the Commission des Titres d'Ingénieurs (CTI)* specifies in its References and Orientations (in French) a minimum level of English proficiency requirement for a student to be awarded an engineering degree. According to the CTI, the "desirable level for an engineer is level C1" of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, but level B2 is the "minimum level required" to obtain an engineering degree. 

The international dimension of Engineering

Why is the obligation to be able to communicate in at least one foreign language imposed on all engineering students, even those who do not have an international vocation? To answer this question, the CDEFI (Conférence des Directeurs des Ecoles Françaises d'Ingénieurs) published a survey concluding that, today, engineers need to be able to use technology most effectively in an international context. Indeed, technological progress is increasingly shared on a global scale and this phenomenon is likely to intensify over time. Whether it is to participate in international projects and/or to export technologies and know-how, a young engineer will most certainly need to express himself/herself in English.

The need for a certification delivered by a recognised organisation

It is for these reasons that the CTI requires its students to prove a minimum B2 proficiency level in English at the end of their studies. In fact, the French Prime Minister also wants the B2 level to be the CEFR minimum level for at least one foreign language at the end of high school.

In its References and Orientations, the CTI specifies that these "levels must be certified by a recognised body, external to the school". Thus, a TOEIC score of 785 is generally required to validate an engineering degree (although this score may vary according to schools).

Interested to find out what your CEFR level is? Simply visit to access a free TOEIC Listening and Reading test and find out. At the end of the test, you will obtain an indication of your score together with the CEFR level and what kind of preparation is best suited to your level. Once you feel ready to complete the English proficiency requirement for your diploma, visit our website to register for the TOEIC test.


 *The Commission des Titres d'Ingénieurs is an autonomous structure within the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research in charge of the conditions of delivery and use of the title of graduate engineer.