
Bridging the Digital Divide: Advancing Equity and Inclusion in Education for All Learners

Arum Perwitasari Ph.D Academic Partnerships Manager at ETS EMEA is contributing to the European Digital Education Hub, an online community that connects education professionals around Europe. The mission of the Hub is to overcome fragmentation of digital education policy, research, and implementation at the European level. Arum shares her experiences so far, what she's observed, and what’s to come in her work.  

ETS EMEA: Since you’ve joined the European Digital Education Hub Squad 8 working group focusing on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, can you share with us how it is going?   

Arum Perwitasari: It’s been eye-opening. As we analyze policies, we’ve been talking a lot about how marginalized groups, like people in remote areas or those with disabilities, are often left out of digital education plans. We really need to address the digital divide and make sure every learner has the same opportunities, especially with how fast things are changing in the digital world. What really inspires me is the strong commitment to building a more inclusive system of digital education. 

ETS EMEA: What are some of the key takeaways you’ve observed from your participation and discussions that need to be recognized in order to ensure that all learners have equal opportunities in the digital age?  

Arum Perwitasari: We’ve learned that it’s not just about giving people access to technology; it’s about making sure they’re included and supported. Marginalized communities, like those in rural areas or with disabilities, often face hidden barriers that prevent them from fully participating in digital education. We need to adapt teaching materials and training so that every learner, no matter their background, can engage. A one-size-fits-all approach doesn’t work. Policies need to address these unique challenges to close the gap. Even in Europe, where technology is widely available, these disparities still exist, and we have to address them to make sure things are fair for everyone 

ETS EMEA: What outcomes do you hope to see and how will you continue to build this work to have a long-lasting impact?   

Arum Perwitasari: I want to see policy changes that make sure no one gets left behind in the digital education transformation, especially marginalized groups. My goal is for digital education systems to create inclusive environments where every voice is heard, and all learners have the tools they need. To get there, we need to push for policies that go beyond just providing access to technology and actually address the socio-economic, cultural, and geographical factors that impact education. I’ll keep pushing for adaptive, human-centered solutions that support both teachers and learners, no matter how much hype there is around AI and technology. 

ETS EMEA: You’re working specifically on the topic of how to reach young learners that are marginalized (you’ve already contributed to a whitepaper) - Are there other initiatives or activities you’re working on to address these challenges? 

Arum Perwitasari: Yes. This work is personal to me because I’ve seen how hard it can be to get through an education system that doesn’t always consider those facing adversity. For example, I’ve worked with students in rural areas who struggle with low-bandwidth internet; it was difficult for them to access online learning materials. I’ve also seen students with visual impairments face challenges in using platforms that don’t have screen reader compatibility. Or when teachers ask, 'How can I make my class more inclusive?', the answer is giving them practical strategies, like creating adaptive tech, using Universal Design for Learning, or offering diverse learning materials. The goal is to make sure every student has the tools and opportunities they need to succeed. 

Learn more about the Digital Education Hub