Case study

Sup Career Business School

Sup Career maximizes the career opportunities of its students through the TOEIC® certification.

Each year, Sup Career Business School trains over 600 students in Bachelor’s and Master’s programs, offering majors in Business Development, International Business Strategy, Human Resources, Digital Marketing, and Finance.

Since 2021, Sup Career has been part of the OMNES Education group (formerly INSEEC U.), which trains 40,000 students and 2,000 executives in continuing education across its 16 higher education schools each year.

For the past fifteen years, Sup Career has integrated the TOEIC® Listening and Reading test at the core of its curriculum, as it is mandatory for obtaining the Master’s degree.

Hélène Rivas, Academic Advisor for the international programs at Sup Career, explains the importance of the TOEIC certification, which allows students to access certain study programs abroad and seize career opportunities, as the certification is a distinguishing factor in the job market.

The importance of English proficiency for business school students

According to the 2023 global barometer of TOEIC® Listening and Reading test candidates, France has an average score of 721 points out of 990. Although it ranks 10th among the countries studied, there is still room for improvement to get closer to neighboring countries like Belgium or Germany, which have average scores of 784 and 819 points out of 990, respectively.

"In an increasingly connected world, mastering English is crucial," explains Ms. Rivas. "Even when working for French companies, it is common to have to communicate in English with suppliers and clients. Your company may be acquired, and your management may become English-speaking. Many studies, information sources, and standards come from the United States, making English indispensable."

To address the challenges related to English proficiency, Sup Career has established the development of this skill as one of the pillars of its training programs.

The selection process for entry is not based on the level of English, which students self-report, except for candidates wishing to join the international program.

Each academic year includes 22 hours of English classes with a specialized instructor. A level group system has recently been implemented to maximize progress. This hourly quota is supplemented by free access to a language platform.

The TOEIC test is a real recruitment tool says. More and more employers appreciate it, or even require it on CVs. It’s a key that opens doors. One of our students got a job as a trader in New York thanks to his high TOEIC score, which immediately reassured his future employer about his ability to work in English.

Hélène Rivas, Academic Advisor for the international programs at Sup Career

The TOEIC® certification at Sup Career: a key advantage

To obtain their Master’s degree, approximately 600 students each year must achieve a minimum score of 750 points out of 990 on the TOEIC Listening and Reading test. This threshold rises to a minimum of 800 points for students in the international program.

Valid for two years, the TOEIC certification is a valuable asset when searching for a first job, offering recruiters tangible proof of these young graduates English proficiency.

TOEIC tests are widely recognized and used by over 14,000 organizations worldwide. They are a reference standard for assessing English language skills.

"Many employers require a B2 level in English on the CEFR scale, which corresponds to 785 TOEIC points," explains Ms. Rivas. "Since the TOEIC score is correlated with the CEFR, it is easy for our young graduates to position themselves in relation to employers' expectations."


Preparation for the TOEIC Listening and Reading test

Each year, Sup Career students benefit from six hours of preparatory classes, called "Tips for TOEIC," taught by experienced teachers. This preparation aims to familiarize students with the format of the TOEIC Listening and Reading test and prepare them to manage their time effectively during the exam.

Throughout the year, a variety of educational resources are made available to students, including corrected tests from reputable manuals such as those by Hachette: The Official TOEIC® Bible, The Official Corrected TOEIC® Tests, and TOEIC® Test Grammar and Vocabulary.

"In addition, I encourage my students to use the 'Super Prépa for the TOEIC® test' app, which I particularly appreciate for its practical, logical, and fun approach," explains Ms. Rivas. "This app guides students through the different parts of the test, thus facilitating their preparation in an interactive and simplified way."

Shortly before the test, intensive preparation sessions lasting three days are organized, during which students practice on mock tests.


 We warmly thank Ms. Hélène Rivas for the time she dedicated to this interview.