
Léo's semester abroad: a French student on academic exchange in the United Kingdom

Discover Leo's transformative year as he embarked on a study abroad UK program. His international student experience at the University of Leicester not only expanded his academic horizons but also fostered significant personal growth. Learn how his studies in the UK allowed him to navigate new cultural landscapes and build lifelong connections. This enriching international student experience at the University of Leicester provided Leo with unique academic and professional opportunities. Dive into the details of his study abroad UK adventure and understand the profound impact of his international student experience. Ready to be inspired by Leo’s story at the University of Leicester?

When Leo decided to embark on a study abroad in the UK program, he had no idea how transformative the experience would be. Now, as he reflects on his time spent in Leicester, he realizes that the journey not only expanded his academic horizons but also profoundly influenced his personal growth. His international student experience was truly life-changing. 


Leo's adventure began in the third year of his undergraduate studies when he enrolled at the University of Leicester. Despite Leicester not being his first choice, the experience turned out to be incredibly enriching. The university's proximity to Birmingham and its unique small-town charm provided an ideal backdrop for an immersive learning experience. His time at the University of Leicester became a pivotal part of his international student experience. 

Academic enrichment and professional preparation 

Studying in the UK presented Leo with a different academic structure than he was accustomed to in France. The University of Leicester’s approach focused heavily on practical learning rather than theoretical coursework. This allowed Leo to tailor his studies to his interests, primarily focusing on finance within the School of Business. This focused curriculum helped him gain a head start in his master's program back in France, as he was already familiar with advanced topics discussed by his peers in finance. 

The academic rigor and the opportunity to engage in practical coursework at the University of Leicester helped Leo to bridge the gap between his undergraduate studies and his professional aspirations. He noted that this practical approach is particularly beneficial for students who have a clear vision of their career path, as it allows them to gain specialized knowledge early on. His academic growth in the UK was significant and well-supported by the university's resources. 

Personal growth and independence 

Living abroad for a year significantly boosted Leo’s independence and self-reliance. Moving from Lyon to Leicester meant navigating a new culture, establishing a social network from scratch, and managing daily life in a foreign country. These challenges fostered a sense of autonomy, pushing him to step out of his comfort zone and become more proactive. His study abroad in the UK journey was a major factor in his personal development. 

The cultural differences between France and the UK were striking to Leo. He found the British to be remarkably open-minded and less judgmental about appearances or backgrounds, which he felt was a refreshing change from the more traditional social dynamics he was used to. This openness made it easier for him to form meaningful connections and appreciate diverse perspectives. His international student experience was enriched by these cultural exchanges.

Overcoming challenges 

The journey was not without its hurdles. The administrative process was complex, especially with the added complications of Brexit, which required a student visa. Financially, Leo relied on a combination of a regional scholarship and personal savings, supplemented by part-time work as a server. The high cost of living, particularly groceries, was another challenge, although he found social activities like dining out and nightlife to be more affordable. 

Despite these challenges, Leo's proactive approach and adaptability allowed him to make the most of his time abroad. He also emphasized the importance of avoiding the temptation to stay within familiar cultural circles, like other French students, to fully embrace the local culture and enhance language skills. His academic growth in the UK was matched by his personal growth. 

Take the TOEFL iBT test 

Leo’s successful experience underscores the importance of thorough preparation for studying abroad. One crucial step for prospective students is passing the TOEFL test, a widely recognized English proficiency exam that opens doors to studying in English-speaking countries like the UK. Leo himself took an English test and emphasized the significance of having a strong command of English to navigate academic and daily life successfully. 

Are you ready to embark on your own transformative journey? Taking the TOEFL test is your first step towards study abroad in the UK. The TOEFL test not only assesses your English proficiency & makes it possible to join universities but it also prepares you for the academic challenges ahead. By securing a good score, you enhance your chances of admission to prestigious universities and unlock opportunities for scholarships and financial aid. 

Take the TOEFL test today and start your adventure in the UK! 

Leo’s story is a testament to the profound impact that studying abroad can have on one’s academic and personal development. With the right preparation and an open mind, your international student experience can be just as rewarding. Don’t wait—begin your journey towards studying in the United Kingdom. 

If you would like to know more about studying in the UK download our Destination UK guide.

We would like to thank Leo for sharing his story with us.