Latest news about English learning, our tests and ETS GlobalETS Global's blogNewsDiscover our free TOEIC placement toolThe TOEIC Test Level Projector to estimate your English level05 JanRead moreFilter by categoryNewsCase studyTestimonialsFilter by testTOEIC® 4-Skills TestsNewsAdaptive TOEIC test: a new offer for professionals18 JanNewsTogether for education and innovation. ETS Global welcomes ETS President and CEO Amit Sevak.04 NovNewsETS makes a strong commitment to accelerate African students’ access to education20 SepNewsThe TOEFL ITP® test updates15 JunNewsInstitutional TOEIC® score reports go paperless03 MayNewsTOEIC® Speaking and Writing test updates03 MayLoad moreOur communicationsRegularly receive our communications and stay informed of our latest products and promotions individuala professionalYou are:EmailI would like to receive email notification commercial offers from ETS GlobalSubscribeBy signing up, you hereby acknowledge that you have read and accepted the Privacy Policy of ETS Global.
NewsAdaptive TOEIC test: a new offer for professionals18 JanNewsTogether for education and innovation. ETS Global welcomes ETS President and CEO Amit Sevak.04 NovNewsETS makes a strong commitment to accelerate African students’ access to education20 SepNewsThe TOEFL ITP® test updates15 JunNewsInstitutional TOEIC® score reports go paperless03 MayNewsTOEIC® Speaking and Writing test updates03 MayLoad more