Coronavirus COVID-19 information
Measures implemented for TOEIC® and TFI™ tests sessions
Countries impacted: Afghanistan, Belarus, Cameroon, Czech Republic, Djibouti, France & oversees territories, Guinea, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Ivory Coast, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Macedonia, Mali, Poland, Romania, Russian Federation, Senegal, Slovakia, The Netherlands, Turkey, Ukraine.
Given the highly evolving nature of the COVID-19 epidemic, the recommendations have been updated for people returning from areas of exposure.
What should you do if you return from an area of exposure or have symptoms?
ETS Global invites all candidates registered for test sessions and returning from areas of exposure or presenting symptoms (fever or feeling of fever, cough, respiratory difficulties) to contact our customer service by filling in the “Contact us” form available on our website in order to cancel their registration and obtain a voucher for another registration valid within 6 months.
Can I wear a mask and gloves during the test session?
You can wear masks and gloves during testing sessions. However, for tests in Public Programme, you will be asked to remove your mask to take a picture and when verifying your identity during check-in.
For TOEIC® Speaking and Writing tests sessions, you will be asked to remove your mask for the Speaking part so that your answers can be correctly recorded.
What if I show symptoms of illness before the session starts?
You need to approach proctors in the room so that they can assist you. You can then contact our customer service by filling in the “Contact us” form available on our website in order to cancel your registration and obtain a voucher for another registration valid within 6 months.
What if I show symptoms of illness during the session?
You need to approach proctors in the room so that they can assist you. They may suggest that you either leave the room temporarily (in which case the time lost cannot be retrieved) or leave the room permanently. In this latest case, you should then contact our customer service by filling in the “Contact us” form available on our website in order to cancel your registration and obtain a voucher for another registration valid within 6 months.
Just like the seasonal flu episode, "barrier gestures" are effective (coughing into your elbow, using disposable tissues, wearing a mask, washing hands regularly).