Case study

IMT Mines Alès

The importance of the TOEIC® test at IMT Mines Alès: a path to international success

IMT Mines Alès is one of France's most prestigious engineering schools, training its students for an international career. This preparation includes mastery of English, certified by the TOEIC® tests, a sine qua non for obtaining the engineering diploma. Interview with Ghislaine Valero, Language Department Assistant and TOEIC test coordinator.

The importance of teaching English to engineering students in France

In a globalized world, mastering English is crucial for engineers. English is the international language of business, scientific research and cutting-edge technology. For engineers, this means that the majority of technical documentation, industry standards, research publications and professional communications are in English.

What's more, most multinational companies use English as their working language. As a result, engineers need to be proficient in English to collaborate effectively with international colleagues, participate in global projects and keep abreast of technological advances. This is why the Commission des Titres d'Ingénieurs (CTI) requires a minimum level of English to validate an engineering degree.

IMT Alès, an institution with an international outlook

IMT Mines Alès integrates rigorous English language teaching to prepare its students for a successful career in a global context. Founded in Alès in 1843, IMT Mines Alès is one of France's oldest engineering schools. Created under Louis-Philippe to train executives for the mining industry, it has constantly adapted to industrial and societal evolutions, becoming today a multidisciplinary engineering institution of higher education, recognized in France and internationally, and committed to innovation, the environment and sustainability.

The school promotes an international vision, exemplified by the 17-week Séjour à l'International Obligatoire (SIO) program at partner universities. The school has more than 80 partnership agreements with foreign universities and 29 double degree agreements in fields as varied as engineering, aeronautics, the environment (renewable energies, ecological materials, etc.), mining resources, computer science, artificial intelligence, mechatronics, etc.

TOEIC tests, a globally recognized certification

The school has chosen to certify its students' level of English with the TOEIC Listening and Reading test for many years and since 2019, the school has adopted online testing. Around 600 candidates take the TOEIC Listening and Reading test every year, with a minimum score of 800 out of 990 required for graduation, equivalent to level B2 on the CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages).

TOEIC® tests are used by over 14,000 companies, government bodies and learning programs in more than 160 countries worldwide. Recently, one-hour tests have been introduced, enabling rapid retrieval of results and immediate reorganization of sessions should students fail to achieve the minimum level required. This flexibility is particularly beneficial for students at the end of their course, enabling them to retake the test without delay.

Teaching strategies adapted to each level group

To ensure the success of its students, IMT Mines Alès offers structured and intensive English language training. In the first year of the general engineering program, students take 60 hours of English classes, divided between the two semesters. An intensive English week, focusing on intercultural issues and TOEIC test preparation, is also organized at the end of the year. Those who fail to achieve the required 800 points receive additional support before retaking the test. In the second year of training, the course program is reduced to 20 hours, underlining the importance of passing the TOEIC test in the first year.

Supporting students is a priority for the school: “The teaching team puts the emphasis on supporting students to succeed, and we provide them with all possible means to help them succeed, that's our goal.” Ghislaine Valero

Students benefit from English tutoring and are encouraged to work regularly, especially those in difficulty. The teaching team, made up of native English-speaking teachers, plays a crucial role in this preparation. Supervision also plays an important role in this individualized support (students of good to very good level help their fellow students in difficulty, using a variety of means chosen together). This support is provided in pairs, which also works very well.

IMT Mines Alès' commitment to TOEIC-certified English language proficiency reflects its desire to train highly qualified engineers ready to integrate into a global professional environment. Thanks to adapted teaching strategies, flexible test organization and constant support, the school ensures that every student has the best possible chance of success, not only academically, but also professionally. English is not just another subject; it's an essential skill for any engineering career in France and abroad.

We warmly thank Mme Valero for the time she gave us to produce this article.